07896 480316 plympod@gmail.com

Our blog

Welcome to the blog! I am going to put things that I find interesting here from the wonderful world of Podiatty. Feel free to look around, I hope you find something of interest too and if you have sny questions please ask!

Thank you


The new normal

The new normal

Glad to be back working again. We (podiatrists) are being as safe as we can. The virus has not gone so if you can, the safest thing to do is stay at home. If you need me I am here to help. Just call (07896) 480316 or e-mail Plympod@gmail.com Stay safe everyone....

Back in business…

Back in business…

Phew! Started working again. If you need help with your feet I am here for you. Please consider before booking an appointment - is it necessary? Can you delay it for a bit longer?  Coronavirus has not gone away. There are risks to visiting a clinic or having someone...

Coronavirus update

Coronavirus update

Hi there! Please don't forget that while we are all isolating, if you have any concerns with your feet you can contact me and I will be only too happy to help you. Please call (07896) 480316 or (01752) 351885 and I will do what I can. Stay safe 😉 In the...

Announcing suspension of treatments

Announcing suspension of treatments

Due to the latest instruction from the government and advice from the College of Podiatry I am unable to offer domiciliary treatments at this time. If you are able to manage to self treat and stay safe then do so. If you have any issues regarding your foot health then...



I am always here to help. I am constantly reviewing government and professional body advice regarding the COVID-19 crisis and until advised otherwise I am remaining active and are here to look after your foot care needs. I am doing everything that I can keep you all,...

Make the most of the season by following these simple guidelines

Make the most of the season by following these simple guidelines

The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions. Make a list Lists are great ways to stay on track. Write down some big things you want to...